Your Weekly Assignments And Links

Monday, May 16, 2005

Try this quiz on questions and negatives to review auxiliary verbs.

A quiz on be and have.

A lesson and exercise on auxiliaries.

A quiz on short answers.

Another quiz on short answers.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Morning Class

Here's a small lesson on too and enough, and if you click for audio, you can hear someone read the lesson to you.

Here's a quiz on various errors that you have to correct. You can find examples of too and not enough in the quiz.

Here's a lesson on various adjectives, including too, very and enough.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Afternoon Class

Check here for the correct punctuation on that story I gave you.


Check out the main page to the BBC's learning English section.

Morning Class

A quiz on too and enough.

Here is a simple lesson on the difference between adverbs and adjectives.

This is a long lesson on adverbs - in the first part, you can see examples of "enough."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Punctuation Quiz